Thesycon System Info

Thesycon System Info (TSI) is a Windows application that shows detailed version information about USB bus driver stacks installed in a Windows system. The TSI tool generates a report in plain text format. This report can be copied to the clipboard or saved to a file. TSI is useful when handling customer support requests. It enables end users to check the bus driver versions installed on a PC. Third-party USB bus driver stacks are provided with many main boards. If such a bus driver stack is used instead of the Microsoft driver stack then unexpected problems may occur.

Download Thesycon System Info

Legal Notice: This program is free of charge for commercial and non-commercial use. The program is provided "as is". There is no warranty for the program. Redistribution of the program as part of any commercial software or software collection without express written permission of Thesycon is prohibited.

Supported Platforms


TSI Screen Shot


TSI Screen Shot